
All magic comes directly or indirectly from moonlight. Opsopudook has seven moons. Four small red moons, two medium green moons and one large blue moon.

Every creature that is born on Opsopudook has four innate magical affinities that we represent on cards as icons.

We call these icons wuermstamps. With magical education or  experience. characters can build on their wuermstamp set.


On average its about three years between pure blue moons, where the only moon in the sky is a full blue moon. Magic gatherers travel to mountain tops and deserts to increase the chances of a clear sky for these occasions.

Lunar schedules are totally predictable, but cloud cover isn’t.

The eighth moon is the unknown moon and the dark moon. The mysterious unknown moon is the only source of the magic called Pratchetly. Bats can hear Pratchetly and elf hounds can smell it.

In the pre-history of our world, there was no magic. Then a great big rock hit our world and created the seven (or eight) moons.

All magic comes directly or indirectly from moonlight. Indirect magic sources can include magic plants and animals, water springs and some wells, and volcanic caves.

Speaking of non-sequiturs:

Magnetism buggers the magic.

Iron, nickel and cobalt helps resist magic, electricity destroys it.



All three castles are the same castle. It just moves around a lot.

This must use up a lot of moon light energy.










Bulls trample Lilies. Lilies melt hearts. Hearts can climb mountains, and Mountains own diamonds. To be consistent, then Mountains could also beat hearts, clubs and spades


We just starting to think about magic systems. Do you have any ideas?

So, what would the colors mean? I have some

ideas, but I’ll wait until some other people have a chance to contribute.